My most memorable day of 2010 was spent guiding Tom Tomosky. I first met Tom while he worked at the Fly Factory in Grayling Michigan. At that time I was sub-contracting doing hand tied leaders for the shop.Soon I would be working with Tom behind the counter in sales. We never really got to fish together because of time constraint Tom working mornings,and me working the closing shift. Seemed like everyone was always promising to take Tom on a float trip but it just never worked out. I have to admit I was one of those that said I would but never did.Even after four years of working together we still had not fished together. Well April 2010 came and I received a call from Tom stating he would be up at his cabin in near by Higgins like. I said grab that rod lets go fishing the hendricksons are on.
I had decided the South Branch of the Au Sable would be the spot to take Tom as I had done a Trip a few days earlier on it. So we had decided at a ten o'clock tee off time.Meeting at Smith Bridge we parked Tom's truck and drop the boat in at Chase Bridge and float back to Smith Bridge. With blue sky's above us We departed the launch with Tom saying its going to be a beautiful day even if I don't catch anything.Me and Tom talked during the day about working in the shop as he fished.Things we missed and things we didn't. Tom had told me this was his first time dryfly fishing out of a drift boat but I think Tom was pulling My leg as his cast were as accurate as a guide could ask for. It wasn't long in the day Tom was hooking fish on Hendricksons Drys with his comment of this fly you tied sure is working good and holding up well.
Tom fished the day hard, hard as anyone I've ever fished with. His efforts paid off big with fish caught on drys. When we arrived at the take out spot. I asked Tom well what did you think? Well my man he said! I enjoyed it really enjoyed it.I had heard about this section of river.Never really fished it before now I have.Really enjoyed seeing it from the boat you did an excellent job and I would recommend you to anyone who needs a guide.With that being said I helped Tom load up his truck and shook his hand.I said to Tom we'll do it again my friend we will do it again.It was my honor.
Thanks Tom.
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